Chemistry! Hooray!

Chemistry! Hooray!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Structures: Form and Function Notes

Structures: Form and Function

Structure: something made up of parts that are together in a particular way for a specific purpose or purposes

Form: the basic shape of the structure
Function: the job that the structure does

Force: Any push or pull that can make an object change shape, speed, or direction

Ergonomic design: designs that take into account information about the human body. Ergonomic design can help people from getting hurt doing repetitive tasks and those who are physically challenged

Classification of structures

Structures can be classified by their:

Function – it may contain something (a glass), support something on top (a wall), or span a space (a bridge)
Construction – how they are built and what they are built from
Form – solid, frame and shell structures also there are combination structures

Solid Structures

Most are solid all the way through, but some may have small hollow parts, e.g., an apple or a mountain.

Frame Structures

Made of parts and fastened together; the parts are often called structural components. E.g., a bicycle, a tennis racket, cars, skeleton, umbrellas.

Shell Structures

Strong and hollow structures e.g., an igloo, a domed roof, a glass; these make good containers and require few materials. Even clothes are considered shell structures.

Combination Structures

Combination of frame, shell and solid structures. E.g., a house is made of solid pieces of wood that are arranged in frame. The boards arranged in a frame provided strength to the house. 

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