Chemistry! Hooray!

Chemistry! Hooray!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Thermal Energy Transfer: Conduction

·        The transfer of heat through a solid or between a solid and another solid, a liquid, or a gas that is in contact with it
·        Conduction can also occur from liquid to solid and gas to solid.
·        Conduction always occurs from a warmer region to a cooler region.
·        Conduction occurs when warmer particles bump into cooler particles making them vibrate faster.
·        Metals are better heat conductors than non-metals because free electrons carry heat quickly through the material.

Answers to Conduction Worksheet

On a cold winter day, why would an iron post in a park feel much colder to the touch than a wooden bench?

Iron is a better heat conductor than wood. The iron will conduct the heat away from your hand faster than wood; this makes your hand feel colder when you touch iron

Potatoes cook from the outside in.
a)     Why does a small potato cook faster than a large potato?

Smaller potatoes have fewer particles, so heat takes less time to reach the centre.

b)    Why does sticking a metal skewer through the middle of a potato make it cook faster?

Heat will be conducted through the skewer into the centre of the potato and it will cook from the inside out.

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