Chemistry! Hooray!

Chemistry! Hooray!

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Review Sheet for Chapter 4 Test

Chapter 4 Structures Review Sheet

Study the following terms and concepts in order to be successful when writing the test.

  1. Classification of Structures
    1. Form: solid, frame, shell, combination
    2. Function: what it’s designed to do
    3. Construction: How it’s made and with what materials

  1. Classification of Form
    1. Solid
    2. Frame
    3. Shell
    4. Combination

  1. Forces: A force is any push or pull.
    1. Internal and External Forces
                                                              i.      External forces: gravity, wind, people
                                                            ii.      Internal forces: tension, compression, shear, torsion

    1. Describing Forces
                                                              i.      Point and plane of application
                                                            ii.      Magnitude
                                                          iii.      Direction

  1. Loads: Total load = static + dynamic loads
    1. Static load
    2. Dynamic load

  1. Preventing Failure
    1. Using Risk Management
                                                              i.      Ignore the risk
                                                            ii.      Avoid the risk
                                                          iii.      Design for the risk

    1. Designing for Loads

    1. Designing for Safety
                                                              i.      The Ontario Building Code
                                                            ii.      The Ontario Fire Code

    1. Designing for Efficiency

    1. Sensors

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Chapter 11 Quiz - Tuesday May 15th

The Chapter 11 quiz will only be based on sections 11.1 and 11.2 in the textbook. You will also need to review the worksheets you completed in the package.

You may complete the review quizzes for chapter 11 by following the instructions below.

Go to

Click Login (on the left)

Enter Login: ClassFollower
         Password: Follower

Click Sciencesource 7 on the left

Click Unit D Heat

Complete the following quizzes:

Section 11.1 Quiz
Section 11.2 Quiz

It is not necessary to study section 11.3
You will be able to find the quizzes by scrolling down the page and looking for the name of the quiz. To begin the quiz, simply click on the link.
Good luck!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Putt Putt Boat Follow Up Report

The Putt-Putt Boat Follow Up Report is due Monday May 7th 2012

Below is the outline of the task:

Putt-Putt Boat Follow Up Report


To demonstrate your understanding of the Science behind the Putt-Putt Boat.

To begin, please read through the information provided in the following link:

You may also want to review the second video in the Putt-Putt Boat Playlist. Watch the portion from 1:44 – 2:52. This information will help you understand the Science behind how the engine works.

Please answer the following questions in paragraph form.

1. Draw a “cross-section” diagram of your engine. A cross-section is a diagram that shows what something looks like on the inside; it looks like it has been cut in half. An example of a cross-section diagram can be seen on the link shared above.

Label the following on your cross-section diagram.

a)      All changes of state that may be occurring
b)      All energy transformations that may be occurring e.g., chemical to thermal
c)       What thermal energy transfers are taking place (conduction, convection, radiation)

2. Answer the following question in as much detail as possible.

In your own words, explain how the Putt-Putt Boat engine works.

Your answer should be no less than half of a page and no more than one full page typed. Remember to review the information on the link!

3. Personal Response

In this section, please provide a personal response about your experience building the Putt-Putt Boat.

Consider the following topics for discussion:

  • Technical problems you encountered and how you solved them
  • How well your group worked with each other
  • What you learned when working on this project

Success Criteria

All the information is accurately labelled with changes of state, heat transfer and energy transformations
Drawn neatly, used a ruler
Used a pencil, no colour
Scientific Explanation
Includes a lot of detail, clear
Scientific vocabulary is used
In your own words
Does the answer make sense? Correct information
Personal Response
Personal thoughts and feeling are clearly shared
Relates to personal experiences